



2024-07-25 07:31:18 来源:网络


Colder Than Winter中英文歌词 -
[03:29.11]Since you closed the door自从你关闭了心扉[03:36.80]It's colder than winter比严冬还冷[03:44.13]Since you closed the door自从你关闭了心扉,
它比冬季寒冷这里在我心中主啊,我想念她gonna 她是我除了撕裂我不能让你爱我我不能给你任何更多它比冬季寒冷既然你关上门每当太阳西下余流眼泪另一而我得到的孤单祝你还在这里它比冬季寒冷我freezin'内和我的眼泪不苦虽然我们的爱死亡我不能让你爱我我不能给你了它比等会说。


Colder Than Winter歌词 -
在心灵深处,我感受到的寒冷比冬日更甚,如同Sarah Brightman的歌曲《Colder Than Winter》所述。这里,我正体验着失去她的痛苦,她像冬日的寒风,将我撕裂。我无法让你爱我,无法再给予你任何东西,从你关闭那扇门的那一刻起,我的心就如同置身于冰窖,冷冽刺骨。我内心的泪水虽咸,却不再苦涩,因为希望你能满意。
英语汉译英 -
1 冬天比秋天冷winter is colder than autumn.2 他是我们班最聪明的学生。he is the smartest student in our class.3 他比我小,但比我高he is younger than me,but he is taller than me.4 这发夹太贵了,请给我i看看便宜一点的。this hairpin is too expensive,please show me a che等会说。
正确的译法:In winter the weather in the north is colder than that in the south.(不能漏了that)
杭州的冬天没有西安的冬天冷。汉译英 -
The winter in Hangzhou isn't colder than that in xi'an .
It was a cold winter night. The street was deserted. I stood alone under a tree with an entanglement of bare branches overhead, waiting for the last bus to arrive. A few paces off in the darkness there was a shadowy figure squatting against the wall, but he turned out to 好了吧!
写句子汉英互译 -
beijing is as warm as guangzhou he is as thin as me he is the best doctor in the hospital winter is colder than spring dog is the cleverest animal this tree is the most beautiful